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Program Infrastructure


The institution has a building dedicated to graduate studies, with classrooms, amphitheaters and a theater. It also has rooms reserved and exclusive to theoretical activities and rooms for studies and discussions among students. All environments have wireless, multimedia and computing equipment. In addition, each teacher of the Program has a personal office for guidance of their students.


The UP library infrastructure follows the institution’s standard of excellence and provides 865 seats for sitting users. It also has 40 booths for individual studies and another 40 for internet access, in addition to 22 rooms for group study.



Search Infrastructure


Among the large research infrastructure provided by Positivo University, the Program uses specific laboratories for the development of dental research and a clinic dedicated to graduate studies.


The Laboratory of Research and Development in Dentistry (LPDO) was designed to meet the research line of clinical and laboratory evaluation of dental materials and biomaterials, and has equipment for mechanical testing of materials used in integrated dentistry and in vitro evaluation relevant to clinical application.


The Histopathology and Computed Tomography laboratories mostly serve the clinical diagnosis and therapeutic line, and are also used in tissue and bone repair studies using biomaterials.


For the development of animal studies, the bioterium has an air-conditioned preoperative room, dressing rooms for paramentation of operators, two surgical centers with 250m2 each, with 20 benches, and postoperative rooms. There are differentiated environments for animal reproduction, which includes mice, rats, rabbits, sheep and mini-pigs.


The Cellular Technology Center is a laboratory that serves all lines of research and belongs to a company graduated from the institution itself. In 2018, the Surgical Training Center – CTC of Positivo University was inaugurated in partnership with the M.A.R.C. (Miami Anatomical Research Center), located within the institution, where research related to human anatomy can be carried out using fresh cadavers and the development of new surgical techniques, generating new products and patents.


For the development of the research line of epidemiological and preventive practices in oral health, the specific clinic for graduate studies is used, in addition to an appropriate room for discussion and design of projects, as well as specific software for the area of epidemiology.


There is also the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry / Genetics / Biomolecular, in which are performed collections, storage and processing of genetic material, with emphasis on the performance of PCR tests in real time.