Faculty – Graduate Program in Environmental Management

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  • Alysson Nunes Diógenes

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    He holds a Bachel’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Ceará (2000), a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2003) and a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2009). He is currently a professor at Universidade Positivo, linked to the Graduate Program in Environmental Management.


    He was awarded in 2017 as the best academic practice in the area of technology in the Shared Teaching Program. He has experience in Materials EngineeringMetallurgical, with emphasis on Corrosion, working on topics such as: reconstruction of porous media, simulated annealing, corrosionprotection, analysis of imagesrocks reservoir, and CFD. His research is also related to methods for decontamination of soils containing heavy metals.

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  • Cíntia Mara Ribas de Oliveira

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Portuguese-Englishthe Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (1994), a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistrythe Universidade Federal do Paraná (1995), a Master’s degree in Biological Sciences (Concentration Area: Biochemistry)the Universidade Federal do Paraná (1997)a PhD in Biological Sciences (Concentration Area: Biochemistry)the Universidade Federal do Paraná (2001).


    She has more than 21 years of experience in higher teaching. She is a full professor at Positivo Universityshe works as a permanent lecturer in the Graduate Program in Environmental Management (PPGAMB), as well as in the Undergraduate Courses in BiomedicinePharmacy. She is a member of the Scientific Initiation Committee of Positivo University (UP). Reviewer of nationalinternational scientific journals. She is an associate editor of the Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences. She was a member of the advisory board of the Brazilian Society of Ecotoxicology (2016 to 2018). She is a member of the Watersheds Management Council of the Metropolitan Region of Curitibarepresentative of the UP in the Paranapanema River Basin Committeein the Alto Iguaçu basinupper Ribeira tributaries committee.


    She works as an ad hoc consultant for the Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES) Assessment, the public body responsible for evaluating graduate programs in Brazil,Fundação Araucária, in the analysis of research projects. She has developed environmental research projects in partnership with international institutions such as Baylor University, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology)Cardiff University (UK). Currently, she is an adjunct coordinator of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management of UP. Works in the areas of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Management,Environmental Education; mainly on the following topics: environmental risk analysis, environmental quality assessmentstrategies for management, physicochemicalmicrobiological quality of water, occurrenceeffects of contaminants in the environment, drugsthe environment, monitoring of environmental impacts through ecotoxicological analyses, analysisremediation strategies of contaminated environmental matrices, healthenvironmental interfaces,socio-environmental education.

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  • Clarissa Bueno Wandscheer

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    She holds a Doctorate in EconomicSocio-Environmental Lawthe Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2011), a Master’s degree in EconomicSocial Lawthe Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2003)a law degreethe Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2001). Currently, she is a professor at Universidade Positivo, in the Graduate Programs in Environmental ManagementLaw, with a 40-hour regimemember of the Center for LegalSocial Research (CPJUS) with the Research Project Technological, EconomicLegal Innovations for Sustainability. Member of the Environment Research Group: Traditional SocietiesHegemonic Society, which aims to establishconsolidate the line of research in Environment, SocietiesState. With experience in law, with emphasis on LawDevelopment, Sustainability, and Socio-environmental Law.

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  • Fabio José Ricardo

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    Possui doutorado em ADM pela Universidade Positivo/PR, Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia pelo LACTEC/UFPR, MBA em Gestão Empresarial pela FGV/PR, especialização em Desenvolvimento Gerencial pela FAE/PR, engenharia elétrica  pela PUC/PR, técnico em Eletrotécnica pela UTPFR. PSC pelo IBC e Licensed Master Practitioner PNL pela The Society of PNL.

    Mais de 25 anos de experiência em empresas do setor de serviços, varejo, educacional, em posições de gerência e diretoria, nas áreas de engenharia, manutenção e facilities services (destacando empresas como GVT, ISS, Grupo Marista, Walmart).

    Professor da Universidade Positivo, vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão Ambiental e também professor das engenharias Mecânica e Produção.

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  • Gisela Geraldine Castilho Westphal

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    She holds a degree in Veterinary Medicinethe Universidade Federal do Paraná (2003), a Master’s degree in Veterinary Sciences (2006), a PhD in Zoology (2012)a post-doctorate in ZoologyAnimal Sciencethe same institution. She is a researcher at the Integrated AquacultureEnvironmental Studies Group (GIA/UFPR), working on several researchextension projects,she also coordinates the Laboratory of HistologyMicrobiology since 2003. She has also worked as a professor since 2008, being currently a substitute professor at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) and a professor of undergraduate courses in Veterinary MedicineNursingthe Graduate Program in Environmental Management of Universidade Positivo (UP).


    She has experience in the areas of environment, celltissue biology, aquaculture, pathologymicrobiology. She has worked on research related to traditional coastal populations, productiondiseases of aquatic animals (bivalve mollusks, crustaceansfish), ecotoxicological studies using animals as bioindicatorsmonitoringcontrol of invasive aquatic species. She is the author of several books on the ecological basisthe production chain of native oysters, as well as the anatomicalhistological Atlas of the uçá crab, which was the winner of the ABEU 2017 award, of the Brazilian Association of University Publishers, in the Life Sciences category.

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  • Guilherme Augusto Queiroz Schunemann Manfrin De Oliveira

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão Ambiental na Universidade Positivo, especializado em estatística aplicada, métodos quantitativos e inteligência artificial para modelagem de processos socioambientais. Com experiência em gestão de projetos na área da saúde e descarbonização, lidera projetos de extensão voltados para a criação de soluções inovadoras nessas áreas. Orienta alunos de graduação e pós-graduação com foco em análise de dados e modelagem para serviços de saúde, além de ministrar disciplinas de estatística aplicada, pesquisa operacional e inovação. Possui formação em Engenharia Elétrica (UFPR, 2013), mestrado em Engenharia de Produção (UFPR, 2015) e doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica com ênfase em Telecomunicações (UFPR, 2018), além de especialização em Psicologia Positiva e Ciência do Bem-Estar (PUC-RS, 2020), reforçando seu compromisso com o desenvolvimento sustentável e a melhoria da qualidade de vida.

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  • Marcelo Limont

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Biology at the Spiritist Integrated Colleges (2002), with a specialist degree in EducationEnvironmental Management at the State School of Economic Sciences of Apucarana FECEA (2004). He holds a Master’s degree in Educationthe Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), focusing on research in education, environmentsociety). He did his PhD in EnvironmentDevelopment at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (2014)Post-doctorate in Environmental ManagementUniversidade Positivo (2017).


    Currently, he is a professor of the undergraduate course in Veterinary Medicinepermanent professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management at Positivo University (UP). He is also leader of the Interdisciplinary Research Center research group in Sustainability Assessment (NIPAS), Extension Project Coordinator in the Technological, Socioeconomic,Environmental Development Program in collaboration with non-profit organizationsmember of the Extension Project Committee of Universidade Positivo (UP). He has experience in the area of environmentdevelopment, working mainly on the following topics: sustainability indicators; participatory managementmoderation of participatory processes; environmental education; developmentmanagement of projects; nature conservation; governanceterritorial planning;biodiversity corridorsprotected areas.

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  • Marcello Romani Dias

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    He completed a PhD internship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT – 2018), he holds a PhD in Business Administrationthe Getúlio Vargas Foundation (EAESP – FGV – 2018), in the Line of Business Strategy Research. He completed postdoctoral studies at Bentley University (USA-2020)is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2019). He holds a master’s degree in Business Administration, in the area of Organizational Sustainability Researchthe Fei University Center (FEI-2016). He has a specialist degree in Business Governance with a focus on Law, Economics,Management by Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA – 2013). He holds a Bachel’s degree in Business Administrationthe School of Advertising Marketing, with a specialization in Customer Relationship Management (ESPM – 2011).


    He works as a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Business (PPGA)in the Graduate Program in Environmental Management of Universidade Positivo (UP). He teaches in postgraduateMBA courses at FGV Management (FGV)the Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA). He is a professor at the School of EngineeringManagement (ESEG), in the Business Administration, Economics,Production Engineering School. In addition, he collaborates with the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI, MexicoPuerto Rico), through the guidance of doctoral theses,with the Yduqs group, composing study materials, video lessons,podcasts.


    As a researcher, he is interested in the lines of Business Strategy, especially in the topic of Internationalization of Higher Education, in which he guides scientific initiation projects funded by the Brazilian National Council for ScientificTechnological Development (CNPq),Sustainability, especially on the topic of Social Business. He is the leader of the Teaching-Learning Environments in the Management Seminars promoted by FEA/USP (SemeAd). It investigates the weaknessesstrengths of the different types of strategies for the competitiveness of organizationsadaptation to the current socio-environmental context of nations, not only at the level of the institution (or organization), but also at the level of the individual. In the interface with the market, he acts as a consultant at SV Partners, a company with more than 20 years in the market. He is a racecar driver currently racing in the Mercedes-Benz Challenge Brazil,also does karting, a sport he has been practicing since he was eight years old.

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  • Mario Sergio Michaliszyn

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    Mario Sergio Michaliszyn completed his Doctorate in Social Sciences – Anthropology,the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo in 1999. He completed his Master’s degree in Social Sciences – Anthropology,the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo in 1993,completed his Bacherlor’s degree in Social Sciences with a concentration on Sociologythe Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná in 1984. Among the notable professional activities that he has developed are his participation as Coordinator of the Center for Coexistence of Guaraqueçaba, of the Society for The Protection of WildlifeEnvironmental Education – SPVS (1992-94).


    He was a member of the Coordinating Body of the State STD/AIDS Program of ParanáState Coordinator of the Project Prevention of Drug Misuse among ChildrenAdolescents in Schools of Paraná, with the State Department of Health of Paraná (1995-98). He has been a professor in higher education since 1986is a full professor at Positivo University since 2000, having worked in several undergraduate coursesthe Graduate Program in Environmental Management.


    Currently, he is coordinator of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management of UP. His research focuses on the areas of Environmental EducationAnthropology. In his Lattes curriculum, the most frequent terms in the contextualization of his scientific, technological,artistic-cultural production are: anthropology, development, sustainable development, drugs, education, health education, environmental education, teaching-learning, research, traditional populations, health promotion,public health.

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  • Rafael Otavio Ragugnetti Zanlorenzi

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    Completou sua graduação e Direito na Universidade Federal do Paraná (2003), tendo se especializado em Direito Securitário e Empresarial pela mesma instituição em 2005. Seguiu a carreira acadêmica, completando seu mestrado em Teoria dos Princípios (2006) e seu doutorado em Teoria da Justiça (2010), também pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. As bases de estudo realizadas durante o período renderam a publicação de obras pertinentes à aplicação das ferramentas da Ontologia e da Filosofia da Linguagem a aspectos de Direito e Justiça. É também psicanalista formado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Psicanálise Clínica, com especialização em Psicanálise Lacaniana (2024). Pesquisador de Filosofia Aplicada e Semiótica, promove atualmente estudos nos campos de Teoria Semiótica e Ecossemiótica, avaliando as bases epistemológico-significantes e filosóficas da formação do discurso ecológico. Atua como professor de graduação do curso de Direito e conduz projetos de pesquisa e extensão relacionados ao estudo da reconstituição das estruturas éticas, culturais e sociais diante do paradigma ecocêntrico contemporâneo, com concentração em filosofias animalistas e análise de democracias ecológicas. Sua abordagem parte do emprego de ferramentas de modelagem semiótica e seus resultados para o campo da Ecossemiótica.

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  • Rivail Vanin de Andrade

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    Doutor em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, na área de Paisagem e Ambiente (USP-2009). Mestre em Geografia na área de Produção do Espaço Urbano e Regional (UFPR-2001). Graduado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (PUC/PR 1995). Atualmente é membro do Departamento de Desenvolvimento Acadêmico (DDA) e coordenador do Programa de promoção de desenvolvimento econômico, social e ambiental de populações vulneráveis da UP onde é professor das componentes curriculares de: Ateliê de Urbanismo e Paisagismo I, II, III e IV e Planejamento Urbano e Regional I e II. Além da UP atuou como docente na Universidade Federal do Paraná, na Universidade Tuiuti e no Instituto Superior Tupy/Sociesc. Foi Conselheiro do Conselho da Cidade de Curitiba (Concitiba) e representante no Plano Municipal de Saneamento (2010-2016). Atua principalmente nos temas de planejamento urbano e regional, plano diretor, parques e bosques urbanos, sistemas de espaços livres de edificação em áreas urbanas, sistemas de informações geográficas e ferramentas de geoprocessamento aplicado ao urbanismo, indicadores de qualidade do espaço urbano, projeto de urbanismo e projeto de arquitetura paisagística.

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  • Rodolfo Marques Sastre

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Environmental Management

    Graduado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (ULBRA, 2000) e em Artes Plásticas com ênfase em História Teoria e Crítica de Arte (UFRGS, 2007). Possui especialização em Tecnologia da Construção (ULBRA, 2002), Mestrado em Arquitetura (PROPAR-UFRGS, 2011) e Doutorado em Arquitetura (PROPAR-UFRGS, 2018). Atualmente atua como Coordenador da Escola Politécnica, Coordenador dos cursos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Design de Interiores e professor da Universidade Positivo (PR) nas áreas de Projeto e Teoria. Na pós-graduação lato sensu atua como Coordenador e professor dos cursos de Arquitetura e Execução de Obras de Pequeno Porte e de Arquitetura Comercial: do projeto à execução. Tem experiência na área de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, com ênfase em Planejamento e Projetos da Edificação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: projeto de arquitetura, arquitetura de interiores, execução de obra e regularização de imóvel. Experiência docente de Projeto Arquitetônico do 1° ao 5° ano e nas disciplinas de Teoria, História e Crítica. Na Área de artes Visuais atuou no ensino, museografia de exposições e crítica de arte.

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